After giving the co-working space at Cahoots a try I decided to settle on Bamboo instead. The Bamboo space just opened this April, when I was making my co-working decisions in March, the space was still being renovated. I’m sorry to leave Cahoots, it is a great co-working space with a lot of great people. There were two issues that made it not a good fit for me, first nearby parking was limited, and secondly the receptionist had other duties and was not always at the reception desk. Since I mainly needed the arrangement to handle shipments and parts pickup and drop-offs for my clients, having the receptionist elsewhere at any given time during their open hours resulted in problems for that process. So I decided to go with Bamboo at 200 S. 1st St. Their hours are 9am-5pm Monday through Friday. The receptionist has a desk facing the 1st street entrance and is available for work drop-off or pickup during those hours. I currently still have an overlapping arrangement with Cahoots, as a backup, I’ll re-evaluate in the fall if that is still really necessary.